The Gisir Chronicles – book II of ‘Beyond Nexus’ series

5 min readDec 14, 2021


Back in 2015 when I was pretty early into the workforce, I launched a passion project of mine which is a book on the characters that I developed when I was a kid. It felt great to develop a story out of the imaginary characters from my childhood and bring it together into a book that I later published under the name ‘The Gambit.’

Fast forward — It’s been 6 years since I published it and all along the way I have continued to write the sequel but never really found that ‘flow’ or the ‘push’ to get the second one published. That is, until I took my maternity break. The last 6 months have not only been an amazing part of my journey as a mother, but it’s been incredible to get in touch with my creative side as well.

After all those years of procrastination, the second book is finally here.

Here’s a quick recap of what happens in ‘The Gambit’

On a fine summer day, as Alex went about his usual work, he didn’t imagine that his brother Chris would pay him an unusual visit. It was unusual because Chris and Alex had a falling apart a few years ago over a very political situation. Why did politics play a huge role in their personal lives? Here’s why.

They were both originally from ‘Wizardingham’, a world which millions of Wizards, Witches and other magical beings called it home. However, when the Halcyons introduced Nixedron Pact, they declared that the magical beings were no longer welcome there, which caused mass migration to ‘Underworld.’ Alex and Chris both worked for the Halcyons at the time when Nixedron Pact was introduced. It was introduced because the potion ‘Nixedron’ was claimed to be illegally concocted by the magical beings that led to anarchy. Alex strongly believed that this Pact would widen the gap between different races, promote discrimination against magical beings and put the inter-world relations under strain. Alex quit his job and migrated to ‘Safe Earth’ without so much as discussing with his brother, which was the reason why they fell apart.

When Alex started his life at Safe Earth, he came across young Skylar who showed signs of magical abilities. Since people on Safe Earth are not the typical wizards, Alex takes him to the ‘Temple of Wits’ back in Wizardingham, where Sky meets Rose. The Temple is where Sky gets educated about magic and trained by the ‘Guru’ to use his powers for good. Skylar’s path later leads him to become ‘the Gisir’ – a mythological hero known to be the bringer of world peace. Alex and Skylar remained friends all these years. From time to time, Alex used to check in on his brother without his knowledge, but Chris remained distant and out of touch with him.

Chris returned that day to be the first one to share with Alex that the Halcyons were reconsidering the Nixedron Pact and the delegates from Underworld would be soon visiting Wizardingham to pursue diplomatic talks. Alex was happy but there were many groups of Wizards who did not favor this move by the Halcyons because they liked their world without the magical beings. One such group was the ‘Legion’ – a mob with wizards and witches trained at the Queens Academy.

In a distant time (2215), two people, Chanel and Nicholas engage in a fierce combat over their best friend’s murder as they hurt each other beyond a reasonable comeback. They realize that they have passed through what looked like a portal and end up in 2015, two centuries behind their original time. The portal vanishes quickly before they try to escape – leaving them stranded in a strange land. They discover that they were stuck in an ancient time when wizards and magical beings lived in different worlds because of the Nixedron Pact. Nicholas and Chanel fall apart because of differences in their beliefs and ideologies. He joins the Legion who find him a compelling recruit. Nicholas vows to kill Smilovic in the new timeline, owing to their Guru’s prediction. Chanel was intent on saving Smilovic simply because she was not going to let another innocent person die because of Nicholas again. That path leads her to meet Zach Smilovic, a late blooming wizard and a friend of Skylar.

As the representatives of Wizardingham and Underworld meetup to discuss improvements to the Nixedron Pact after a decade, they are interrupted by the Legion. The mobs interrupt the diplomatic talks, kidnap and assassinate Prince Ryuk, who represented the Underworld. Later, Chris and his girlfriend, Natasha (who also works with the Halcyon), come across evidence that proved – members of the Queens Academy are responsible for the assassination of Prince Ryuk.

Before they solve the whole puzzle, Chris and Alex are imprisoned. Alex escapes to the Underworld. Natasha makes desperate attempts to clear Chris’s name as a Halcyon while he’s imprisoned. On the other side, Chanel and Zach figure that Nicholas had been a part of the Legion and they take him on with the help of Skylar and Rose. As their paths collide, Chanel is caught in the Underworld while Skylar rescues her out of there.

So The Gambit ended with Chris escaping from the prison in Wizardingham; Natasha getting kidnapped by the Legion; and Skylar activating his powers as the Gisir for the first time. And the second book begins from these 3 endpoints.

Here’s a quick synopsis of ‘The Gisir Chronicles’

The Gisir Chronicles is the adventurous tale of Skylar and his friends who explores his new identity and navigate the changing political landscape of the different worlds. United by the cause, they stand up against the Legion who believe that wizards are the superior race and wreak havoc. It all changes when he travels in time only to find that the Legion have risen in power and the stakes have become higher in the future.

Will Skylar and his friends resist the Legion’s dominance and turn things around? TIME TELLS.

If you’re a fan of fictional stories, fantasy and adventure, you’ll not be disappointed. Check out my new book at Amazon. It’s available in Kindle and paperback format.

Happy reading :)




Hamsa is a curious millennial who seeks to understand the simple meaning behind the complexities in life.